Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Group story writing

The students engaged themselves in writing story by selecting from the given list of characters, settings, things and themes. They first used the story planner to plan the layout of the story and then wrote the first draft of the story. It was interesting to see the creativity shown by the students in writing these stories.

Compare and contrast

The students worked in pairs to compare and contrast the creative contributions made by the different inventors. They shared that these inventions were possible as the inventors imagined creative solutions to real life problems. They also identified various fields of creativity.

The doughnut activity

The doughnut activity enables the students to have a structured conversation with their peers in a short space of time.The students stood in two concentric circles facing each other.Working with the partner they face, they took turns to share information about the creative contribution made by various inventors. On  hearing the alarm , the outside circle moved one place in a clockwise direction. So, now each student reported to the new partner and exchanged information. The students enjoyed using this strategy for sharing the information.

Independence Day Celebrations at IISH